About us
I began my career in 2005 at RTL Klub, Hungary's leading commercial TV channel. As a part of numerous magazine programs, talent shows, and realities, I had the opportunity to work with many fantastic professionals. From them, I learned the fundamentals of character portrayal and storytelling, skills that later proved invaluable in the advertising industry too.
Looking back, my entire life has been about storytelling: from the funny kid on the playground, to the unruly student spinning tales during class, to the twenty-something building connections in the celebrity world, and finally, the settled mid-thirty-something who knows it's not about how loudly you speak, but what you say.
To whom and how.
And what all of this can give to the world, and to yourself.
Fate has already brought me together with fantastic people at home, and since 2017, my fiancée Kata and I have been adventuring here in New Zealand.

My love, my support, my accomplice, my helper, my best partner in everything. And my fiancée, but if all goes well, within a year I can already change this part to my wife. She helps a lot with organizing the wedding films, in maintaining contacts, and all sorts of administration.
Kata has sprinkled my already colorful life with an endless array of her spices - and I don't just mean that figuratively: she lived in India for 3 years, so now seemingly random places are filled with a spice extravaganza in our meals, and generally throughout the whole household.
Since 2016, we've been writing our story together, and we eagerly await the upcoming chapters. Now we just need to find a good videographer for our own wedding too! :)
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